Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Health Effects of Caffeine

Dang , I absolutely love my coffee , but too much of a good thing is still too much..I had to SHARE this article on how caffeine affects our bodies . I know I will be looking a little close at my caffeine intake . Let's make it an awesome day , and I look forward to your feedback...

Health Effects of Caffeine

Caffeine has its perks, but it can pose problems as well. The best thing you can do is to find out how much is too much for you, as well as the overall health effects of caffeine. Once you know the health effects of caffeine you can properly determine whether you need to curb your consumption.
Do you rely on caffeine to wake you up and keep you going? Well you aren’t alone. Caffeine is used by millions of people every day to increase wakefulness, alleviate fatigue, and improve concentration and focus. This can be a problem.

Health Effects of Caffeine

Caffeine is a powerful stimulant, and it can be used to improve physical strength and endurance if used properly, but it can also have some very bad side effects on your health if over used and over consumed.

Where can caffeine be found and is there a difference?

 Caffeine is found in Coffee, Green Teas, Energy Drinks, soda, and in a pill form. Caffeine that you find in soda, pill form, or in the majority of energy drinks are synthetic versions of caffeine which is not a form of caffeine you want to be consuming. Then add the sugar levels that are in soda and most energy drinks, and you are on the road to weight gain and an unhealthy body. If you are going to consume caffeine it should only come from coffee, green tea, or if you are using an energy drink you need to verify that it is coming from green tea or other natural herbs that have been found safe for consumption. The cleanest most natural energy drink on the market is Ene`rgize by Beachbody. This product can found in their top selling Performance Nutrition Line.

How much is too much and what are the health effects of caffeine?

Some science says that up to 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine a day appears to be safe for most healthy adults. The key word here is “Appears”. The newest science has shown that low doses of caffeine may have beneficial effects on the body, were high doses can hinder how the body operates.
Caffeine dosages really should be tailored to each individual. If you are new to caffeine or supplement that contain caffeine, keeping consumption at 100 mg or lower per dose would be a good idea. Typically, 200 mg or less of caffeine has shown to have fat-burning and performance improvement properties. Heavy caffeine use can cause unpleasant side effects, and caffeine may not be a good choice for people who are highly sensitive to its effects or who take certain medications.
Heavy daily caffeine use that is more than 400 mg a day may cause side effects such as: Insomnia, Nervousness, Restlessness, Irritability, Digestion issues and Bloating, Fast Heart Rate, Muscle Tremors, and Weight gain just to name a few.
High doses have been found to not improve performance or aid in fat burning because it causes sedation and relaxation effects by triggering those receptors in the brain. It also creates an inhibition of serotonin levels, acetylcholine, and your adrenaline system. When this happens to these systems you will see slowing in performance, and fat burning abilities.
Of course you only want the health effects of caffeine that are good. So you may need to take a look at your consumption and see how you can curb your caffeine habit to bring your consumption to the levels that will have a positive benefit.
Depending on your consumption, cutting back on caffeine can be challenging. An abrupt decrease in caffeine may cause withdrawal symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, irritability and nervousness. Fortunately, these symptoms are usually mild and resolve after a few days.
To have health effects of caffeine that will benefit you, try these tips to get your consumption in line:
  • Keep tabs. Start paying attention to how much caffeine you’re getting from foods and beverages. It may be more than you think. Read labels carefully. Even then, your estimate may be a little low because not all foods or drinks list caffeine.
  • Cut back. Remember to do it gradually. Decrease the amount by a few ounces each day. Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages late in the day. This will help your body get used to the lower levels of caffeine and lessen potential withdrawal effects.
  • Go decaf. Most decaffeinated beverages look and taste the same as their caffeinated counterparts.
  • Shorten the brew time or go herbal. When making tea, brew it for less time. This cuts down on its caffeine content. Choose herbal teas that don’t have caffeine.
  • Check the bottle. Some over-the-counter pain relievers contain caffeine, and can be as much as 130 mg of caffeine in one dose. Look for caffeine-free pain relievers instead.
The bottom line is that caffeine can be a part of your daily routine if consumed at doses that benefit your health versus hinder it. When done this way, most of the time it doesn’t pose a health problem. Be mindful of those situations in which you need to curtail your caffeine habit. If you plan on using nutritional supplements that have caffeine make sure that is a high quality product that uses naturaly low doses of caffeine, such as the Energize from the Beachbody Performance Line. Also keep in mind that when consuming these products you may have to keep your other caffeine beverages to lower levels.
When taking these things into consideration it will provide you the positive health effects of caffeine versus negative effects.

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Friday, July 24, 2015

The Best Workout Programs for Busy Women

Good morning friends ,  I get asked quite a lot about what is the best workout for busy Moms ?? The true answer is How much are you worth ?? Most busy Moms neglect themseleves because they are taking care of everyone else . YOU are worth it , and this is a great article to SHARE because taking care of yourself is really possible and well worth learning what works for You. Thank you for all of your feedback...

The Best Workout Programs for Busy Women

Let’s face it…  Trying to figure out the best workout programs for busy women can be a HUGE challenge!  You have an active schedule and we know that you often have a busy life that keeps you dashing from place to place all day long. With a hectic schedule it is hard to fit in a visit to the gym. Plus the truth is, a lot of days you most likely don’t have the self-motivation get there. Waking up in the morning over an hour early just to cram in thirty minutes at the gym, doesn’t appeal to most. Heading to the gym on your lunch break, how does that sound? We all know that only works if the gym is close enough to your office to make that realistic. Then you have the stay-at-home moms who try to fit their workouts in between nap times, snacks, and all the responsibilities that come with being the parent home with the children all day. We get it! Sometimes it feels like you’re never going to find the time to get back in the shape you desire.
Let’s get real! You need a workout that will fit into your schedule and allow you to tone your body, trim your waistline, and get in shape from the privacy of your own home. There’s no need to go to the gym and waste 30-60 minutes of your time round trip to sort of get a workout. So how do you get the best workout? Beachbody On-Demand!

The Best Workout Programs for Busy Women

It offers the best videos for women and men, all gathered in one place. You have easy access 24/7, and all you have to do is choose the routine that works best for you (or design your own routine based around a selection of several different videos). Beachbody On-Demand offers plenty of workouts that are easy to incorporate into any schedule. Your biggest decision is to choose the time that works best for you! You can pull up any of a selection of videos and get your workout in whenever and wherever you want. Yes that is what I said…You can work out anywhere. Beachbody On-Demand can be streamed on your smart phone, tablet, or laptop. Simply log-in and access the library of programs.
You can choose from some of the most popular programs like P90X®, P90X2®, P90X3®, INSANITY®, TurboFire®, ChaLEAN Extreme®, Brazil Butt Lift®, 10-Minute Trainer®, and Hip Hop Abs®. All of them are available in the library for you to stream at your convenience. Another great feature is you get insider sneak peeks. With these sneak peeks you get access to try programs like PiYo®, 21 Day Fix®, Body Beast®, or FOCUS T25®. Plus, new titles are added to the library each month, so you’ll never run out of fun, exciting new workout routines that will help you get results. You get all of this for one low monthly fee.
It is time to stop feeling like you will never find a workout program that works for you. It is time to stop wasting money on gym membership. It is time to stop wasting time driving to and from the gym. Beachbody and the Beachbody Challenge is what you need to get results and save you time and money. Beachbody programs allow you to work out from home (saving time and money), get access to nutrition and meal planning membership benefits, and provides you with a FREE health, fitness, and nutrition coach. Tell me what gym membership ever gave you a FREE Coach?

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Monday, July 20, 2015

What Is a Balanced Diet? Here’s Your Sign!

I get asked alot about what to eat,so I had to SHARE this article with you. It is a quick read and I highly recommend implementing this simple to follow Balanced approach. I really appreciate your feedback..


 What Is a Balanced Diet? Here’s Your Sign!

Everyone knows that you and your kids are supposed to be eating a “healthy balanced diet”. That’s great, but “What Is A Balanced Diet?” How exactly is a healthy balanced diet different from what most people eat? While you ultimately have to decide what the best nutrition is for you based on your lifestyle, goals, and choices, but there are several things that hold true.
A healthy balanced diet is filled with as many “real foods” as possible. That means foods that haven’t been filled with chemicals, including artificial colors and flavorings. If it comes in a box, no matter how “all natural” it is, you’re probably better off not buying it.

What Is a Balanced Diet? Here’s Your Sign!

Choosing the path of a healthy balanced diet is a lifestyle change, and can take some practice. Here are some great suggestions to get you started on your path to a healthy balanced diet.
A good way to start is to slowly eliminate packaged food to foods and meals that you create. There are a number of recipes available that will allow you to make your own foods and meals that only take few minutes up front. Another idea to keep in mind is “mason jar” recipes. These recipes allow you to prepare your meals ahead for maximum convenience while still staying on your healthy balanced diet. These recipes include salads, oatmeal’s, and more. There are plenty of other options that will allow you to put together your favorite foods once and enjoy them for up to a week without any further effort.
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Never deprive yourself of any food group. This doesn’t mean that you should be chowing down on unhealthy snacks and high-fat foods. It does mean that you shouldn’t limit yourself to fruits, vegetables, and lean meats all the time, either. It is okay to have a splurge item every once in a while. Rule of thumb eat balanced 90% of the time and you will be on the right track. Focus on eating a wide variety of foods so your body gets all of the nutrients it needs and that you are not depriving yourself of something that you really need in order to function at your optimal level.
Foods that you should be limiting are refined grains and added sugar. Added sugar, in particular, can be hard to catch! Many foods that you buy prepackaged or at restaurants contain added sugar content to help them taste better or to cover up the taste of other additives, which is one of the reasons why it’s often better to cook your own when possible. Refined grains process through your body very quickly and are turned into sugar. Whole grains, on the other hand, will keep the nutritional content of the wheat intact.
Eat the rainbow. No, not that popular candy that comes complete with a week’s supply of sugar and enough artificial colors to take you to the moon and back. Rather, eat a “rainbow” of fruits and vegetables. Different colors tend to indicate that the fruits or vegetables have similar nutrients in them. That means that you should fill your plate with all sorts of different tones. Not only is it pretty (which, according to research, will make you enjoy eating it even more), it also contains a variety of different nutrients.
Control your portion sizes. A good rule of thumb is to start by dividing the portion you would normally eat in half. To help control your portions, pay attention when you’re eating. Don’t plop down in front of your television or computer screen; instead, concentrate on the process of eating. Enjoy the flavor and texture of your foods instead of mindlessly shoveling your meal down before going back for more. Also, use this old trick: use a smaller plate to help your portions seem larger.
Try not to drink your calories with soda and other similar drinks. You often don’t realize how many calories there really are in your favorite coffee drink or that soda that you drink by the bottle, but it can pack on the pounds fast. When possible, drink water–and lots of it! Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do for your body. The only caloric drink that would be highly recommended is a total nutrition shake. These can be used for a healthy snack or meal replacement when used with a recipe.
Implement these suggestions and you will be on your way to creating a healthy balanced diet that fits your

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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

We are soooooo Excited to be headed to Nashville for 4 Days , and I had to SHARE this awesome article about eating healthy while traveling. Boy did I like the easy to use suggestions. Bottom line is a little bit of being prepared goes a long long way. Looking forward to your feedback...

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

By Mel Batterman

Eating healthy while traveling can be intimidating. Potential weight gain and feeling sluggish doesn’t have to be a part of your travel plans. As we all know, eating healthy on the road can be a challenge. It is easy to load up on the food that is easily accessible, and most of your meals will come from restaurants. Which all can lead to potential weight gain, sluggishness, and detriment to our bodies. So ultimately it will take a bit of pre-travel preparation on your part to make things a bit easier, which is absolutely worth it.
Here are a few suggestions. It truly starts with planning! If you are prepared you won’t be at the mercy of airplane meals or roadside food services. Packing a variety of snacks that easily transport can be as easy as packing all of your other belongings.
  1. Handmade individual trail mixes. You can custom make trail mix blends based on what nutrients your body needs.
  2. Pre-packaged trail mixes (choose clean, whole organic ingredients).
  3. Nuts and Dried fruits
  4. Healthy Meal Replacement Shake
  5. Raw food bars or good nutritious bars with clean ingredients
  6. Bananas, oranges, nectarines, and fruits that have an outer layer that protects the inner food.
Check out and download our book with other tips for eating healthy while traveling. 


  1. It is always good to eat a healthy filling meal like a salad with lots of vegetables and some protein, or a vegetable burrito prior to your travel, so it can carry you for a bit longer of time frame.
  2. When eating at restaurants be sure to look for a health conscious salads and other grilled meats and vegetable options at mealtimes.
  3. Be sure to drink plenty of clean water while traveling. Your body needs the additional fluids to stay hydrated and properly digest the foods when it is out of your ordinary nutrition consumption.

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

Even with all of these preparations, eating healthy on the road while traveling can be difficult. You may find that eating less while traveling is helpful, in fact you can use traveling time as opportunity to fast a bit, and/or eat a vegetarian diet. It is a good way to give your digestive system a break for a few days. Though it can be challenging to find healthy foods outside of the home, do not be discouraged. There certainly are a number of products that can carry you through your travels.
Need help finding your way? How about an on-line meal planner, nutrition guide, health and nutrition coach, and 150 of Beachbody’s Top Rated Fitness Programs Streaming to your cell phone, 
 pad device, or laptop for $2.99 per week, and you’re first month is FREE!



Sunday, July 12, 2015

Strength Training Exercises: Without a Gym Membership

Do you think you have to go to the Gym to Get Strong ?? I used to think so too... I had to SHARE this great article with you , because getting really Amazing results from home is Totally possible. I look forward to hearing Your thoughts...

Strength Training Exercises: Without a Gym Membership

With your busy schedule, you don’t always have time to get to the gym. Whether you’re working full time outside the home, working from home, or a stay-at-home spouse or parent, your schedule is packed with things that you need to get done. That is understandable but that shouldn’t prevent you from being healthy and having the body you’ve always wanted. Strength Training Exercises can be accomplished right in your living room, or any other room in your house. No fancy gym equipment needed, and Without a Gym Membership!
Simply pick a Beachbody On-Demand program that works for you. With Beachbody On-Demand you can fit your workout in no matter what time of day it is, and you can do it anywhere. One of the best things about the Beachbody On-Demand programs, is there is something for every fitness level. Each program as a modifier for each exercise and will show you how to perform the exercises correctly to avoid injury. No matter what your fitness level, beginner to super experienced there is a Beachbody On-Demand program that will work for you.

Strength Training Exercises: Without a Gym Membership

Ideally, you want a program that will challenge you without pushing you too hard. Most of the at-home strength training programs progress at the level that is needed to give you that push. Of course you can always use the modifier if necessary to fit your current activity level. You can choose body weight exercises, or try a workout that uses weights, bands, or other basic tools that you might already have sitting in your home. Of course if you are just getting started and don’t want to commit to buying equipment you can always use canned food or water bottles for hand weights.
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If it’s been a while since you last engaged in regular exercise, it’s probably unrealistic to expect yourself to dive in to exercising five or more days per week. If this is the case it would be suggested to start with a basic exercise program that allows you to get in some strength training two or three days per week. It is would also be recommended that you follow the calendar for the program to help keep you on track. Be sure to give yourself small rewards for staying on track. Maybe there’s a movie that you’ve been desperate to see or a book that you’ve been waiting to read. Promise yourself that if you stay on track with your strength training program for an entire week, you’ll allow yourself that treat.
Mix it up! With the huge library offered by Beachbody On-Demand, you can easily access different programs and workouts that will keep your routine fresh and interesting. Having a steady regimen for 3-4 weeks and then changing it up is always a good thing. This can help create greater results.
Workouts and strength training through Beachbody On-Demand is an easy way to get in shape from the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to go anywhere and it will save you some money by not having a gym membership or driving to the gym. All you need is a television, tablet, or computer and a commitment to getting in better shape. What more could you ask for?


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

How Often Should I Eat?

Have you ever wondered how many times a day you should be eating??  Relax, You are not alone,  and the truth is You can actually eat quite alot of food ,  and may have to SHARE !!  When You are eating the right foods, it seems like You are eating All the time ,  Lol !! ... I look forward to Your feedback...

How Often Should I Eat?

How Often Should I Eat? Let’s face it, since the dawn of man the rule for consumption of food was simply to eat to survive. Well our modern society and lifestyle has changed and flipped that simple process.
Obesity rates continue to grow and will be affecting more than two-thirds of Americans in the next 5-10 years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. So you can see the simple rule has flipped and it appears that humans survive so they can eat.
Through the years we have seen nutrition and diet science, and programs change their design about what foods best suit our needs as a society, but you don’t hear about when to eat. The question that seem to arise most often is “How Often Should I Eat?”
The most popular approach to the question of How Often Should I Eat for general health and weight maintenance has been to spread calories throughout the day by consuming 5-6 smaller meals. The concept of doing this method is that you are most likely to feel less hungry at any particular time, and in turn you will not be apt to over indulge or eat in excess.
A study found in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, shows data on this approach. It states that people who were of their ideal weight and able to maintain their weight reported eating more often than individuals who were overweight and obese.

How Often Should I Eat?

The overall hypothesis is eat small meals and snacks spread out every 3- 3 ½ hours from the time of breakfast. This proves to keep you sustained which avoids greater levels of hunger, and will limit overeating. Therefore control of caloric intake and, ultimately control of body weight.
Though we know that eating throughout the day with 5-6 smaller meals can benefit for weight maintenance, how does is measure up for weight loss.
According to a study done by Circadian Biologist Ph.D. Amandine Chaix, consuming meals 5-6 times throughout the day can aid in weight loss, but it needs to be meals that are healthy and portioned appropriately. It was found that if the foods were high-fat, sugar or highly processed that the individuals still became obese. The complete findings found that those fed in the 9-12 hour window with 5-6 smaller meals that were portioned and low in processed, high fat, and high sugar were leaner. “So, already being obese and switching to time-restricted feeding with healthier foods and portions, does create weight loss. That is powerful.” Chaix said.
The research of meal timing shows further benefits in addition to those who want to lose weight and maintain their weight, especially as it relates to the consumption of protein.
When spreading the protein consumption throughout the day in smaller doses the body is able to assimilate and use the protein for greater gains and recovery of the muscle tissue. This can help maintain muscle loss during weight loss, and through the aging process.

How Often Should I Eat?

The answer is 5-6 smaller meals per day. Spaced out every 3-3 ½ hours after the consumption of breakfast. Though you must also keep in mind that for weight loss and maintenance the number of calories at each meal and throughout the day still plays a very large role in this process.
If you are trying to lose weight, you need to consume smaller meals spread throughout the day, create a calorie deficit through portioned meals, and exercising appropriately 5-6 times per week. If you need assistance in implementing a meal plan and exercise regimen that will keep you eating throughout the day and exercising appropriately, Beachbody’s 21 Day Fix combines all of this in one package and you get a FREE Coach to help keep you on track and motivated.


Friday, July 3, 2015

3 Day Detox Cleanse: A Healthy One

Have you ever wondered about detoxing your body ? How do I do it ? Is it really good for me ? I had those questions and more before reading this article . I had to SHARE it with you , and Lets do it together... I would love you input. Make it an amazing Friday!

3 Day Detox Cleanse: A Healthy One

A 3 Day Detox Cleanse is the latest hype for kicking off a healthy lifestyle. The question is…are they really good and are they healthy.
Everyone wants to see results fast! Kick starting the weight loss process can help you feel better about yourself and where the process is going go. Unfortunately, many so-called cleanses are not that healthy and leave you feeling sluggish, slow, and deprived. Juice fasts and liquid cleanses tax your body. They’re hard on your organs and create a rebound effect when you return to normal eating. In general, the weight lost from these types of cleanses are really just water weight. Sure, it works to get you into a special dress for a party or your skinny jeans for a special date, but you want long-term results that will keep your body healthy and make you look and feel better than ever.

3 Day Detox Cleanse: A Healthy One

Well you no longer have to feel that way or have those issues when doing a detox cleanse. The 3 Day Refresh is a healthy cleanse that may help flatten your belly and fit into your clothes better while still giving your body the vital nutrients it needs in order to function.

Here’s how it works:

The 3 Day Refresh is simple. You start off your day with a serving of Shakeology and a fruit for breakfast. Shakeology comes in six different flavors, so not only will you be able to find one that you’ll love, there are over 101 recipes that you can create!. Mid-morning you will use the Fiber Sweep Drink. No worries, it is not one of those run to the bathroom drinks. Then for lunch you will enjoy a variety of vegetables, a healthy fat, a fruit and drink the Vanilla Fresh Protein Shake which is packed full of nutrients and protein that your body needs. In the afternoon you will have an afternoon snack of vegetables and a choice off the healthy fats list. You will then finish out the day with dinner. Dinner will include a selection from one of the many amazing meal recipes and a second Vanilla Fresh shake. This program is designed to help naturally remove waste and toxins from your body. You feel full, satisfied, and ready to take on your day with more energy and enthusiasm than ever before.

Can it be done more than once?

The 3 Day Refresh is a fantastic program that is designed to rid your body of impurities. It’s not designed as a long-term solution, and therefore should not be repeated over and over again. Though you may do the 3 Day Refresh quarterly or even on a monthly basis to kick off each month. It has been reported that people who have used it more than once find themselves losing more weight and finding more energy each time.
